Apr 8, 2014

Filed an Extension?

Now that you've filed an extension, let's break the tax preparation process into two parts: what must be done by 4/15 and what can be done after 4/15.
Are there any actions that a person can take by April 15th to reduce the amount of tax?Yes. Depending on what makes sense for your situation:
  • Contribute savings to a traditional IRA and/or Roth IRA. Implication: figure out if you'll be able to deduct traditional IRA contributions or not; figure out if you're eligible to fund a Roth IRA or not; figure out if either of these makes sense for your situation.
  • Contribute savings to a health savings account. Implication: figure out how much you can contribute and if this strategy makes sense for your situation.
  • Donate to a charity providing relief to people impacted by Typhoon Haiyan. Donations made by 4/14 can be deducted on your 2013 return under a newly passed law.
Are there any actions that can wait until after 4/15 and before 10/15?
  • Contributing savings to a SEP IRA or solo 401(k) if you're self-employed.
  • Reviewing and finalizing your tax return.
Courtesy: William Perez, About.com

Apr 3, 2014

Have your personal or business tax returns prepared by experienced professionals at reasonable rates!!!

Services include:
  • Current and prior year federal and state tax preparation
  • Tax planning
  • Audit representation
We cater to:
  • Individuals, Corporations
  • LLCs, S Corporations, and Parterships
  • Estates & Trusts
Get your tax info together and let us work on your refund. We keep your personal information safe and secure. You provide digital copies of your documents to me and I get the work done in my home office. Once the work is complete, and we receive payment, your return will be filed, and copies of your return will be sent to you.

Need your business taxes filed? Tax filing rates starting as low as $350 for LLC, $400 for S-Corp, $500 for C-Corp.

Need your personal taxes filed? Tax filing rates starting as low as $150 for Single, $200 for Married (e-filing included).

Need your taxes estimated? Rates starting as low as $250 per quarter.

Monthly bookkeeping rates start as low as $300 per month, or $30 per hour bookkeeping rate (min 3 hrs). Project bookkeeping starts at $300.


5 ways to keep track of your receipts

5 Easy ways to keep track of receipts
Keeping track of receipts for your small business is very important: it keeps you organized, keeps you on budget, and can be a big money-saver when you file deductions at tax time.

The IRS is not a big fan of estimating your expenses. If you are going to claim a deduction, you’re going to need:
  • When: The date of the transaction
  • Where: Where you bought the item
  • What: What the item was
  • Why: What purpose it served in your business
When, where, and what are generally found on a receipt, which is why the IRS loves when you keep them! But nothing is worse than a huge, bulging, disorganized folder full of a year’s worth of receipts.
Try these systems instead:
This is an iPhone, Android, and iPad app that also has a desktop feature. At its most basic level, it allows you to photograph and track receipts, record expenses and categorize them, and even track miles you travel for work.
If you want to pay a little more, they have this neat “Magic Envelope” system, which allows you to put all of your paper receipts and business cards in an envelope and ship it off to Shoeboxed headquarters; they then scan all of your paper documents, parse and process the information on the receipts for you, and categorize them into spreadsheets. It’s sort of like having a personal assistant and accountant, all with the ease (and price point) of sending your DVDs back to Netflix.
Cost: Basic is $9.95/month, $100/year
While this program isn’t made specifically for cataloguing receipts, you can input expenses individually to keep track of them or import expenses directly from your bank accounts.
If you have a separate bank account and credit/debit card for your business, this may be the easiest way to keep track of expenses. Just make sure that the information the bank records also includes the exact item (not just the vendor’s name) and that you remember or amend the purpose of that item.
The great thing about Mint.com is that your receipt tracking won’t operate separately from the other financial information you track (like savings and income from clients). They also can work together with TurboTax to make filing faster.
Cost: Free
This is a more simplified version of Shoeboxed that appears to be a favorite with many small business owners. One feature that I love is that you can link your email account with OneReceipt, and it will automatically pull and parse your emailed receipts, categorize them, and put them in handy spreadsheets. Since paper receipts are more and more becoming a thing of the past, this can come in very handy.
You’ll also receive a monthly round-up of all your receipts, which can help you make sure you’re staying on budget.
Cost: Free
4. Excel/Google Spreadsheets
If you like simple grids and avoid fancy apps, this is for you. Just keep in mind that even if you document your expenses in an Excel spreadsheet, you’ll still need to keep a backup of your paper receipts, unlike Shoeboxed and OneReceipt.
Try making a simple spreadsheet with these columns:
Date      Category      Vendor        Cost      Purpose
Here are some categories you should keep in mind that will make it easier for taxes:
  • Travel
  • Office rent and/or home office mortgage
  • Office utilities
  • Office supplies, including tech
  • Meals with clients
  • Marketing (website, business cards, etc.)
For a full list of things you can deduct, see this post.
Cost: Free
5. The paper method
For those of you who want to do it old school-style. Not nearly as automated or efficient come April 15, but it works for thousands of people!
You can do this in a number of ways, including:
  • Buy a spiral notebook. Tape receipts into the notebook, one per page, and scribble any additional information onto the page.
  • Copy your receipts with a copy machine so that you get a clean, unwrinkled 8.5x11” sheet, and then stick it in a filing cabinet with appropriate labels.
  • If you don’t have many receipts, just take a basket, put it in your office, and throw receipts into it. While this is not a very elegant method, having one easily-accessible place where you put all your receipts can serve as a reminder to hang on to them in the first place. You will have to sort through them at the end of the year.
Cost: $2 for a notebook, miscellaneous expenses for copy paper and ink
Courtesy: Freelancers Union

Mar 16, 2014

QuickBooks OnLine Plus Test Drive

Certified-QuickBooks-Online-ProAdvisorTake a test drive of a sample company in Quickbooks Online.  

It can be accessed here:  TEST DRIVE
You don’t have to create an account or sign in; just complete the security validation and click Continue.

This test drive is designed for you to explore and try out new things without worrying that you will break something or make a mistake. It is not designed to retain any changes you make. Once you close, the file is completely refreshed. If you close the test drive before you are finished, you can always begin again.

For more information, contact us.  We will be glad to answer any of your questions, and we can get you
up and running in no time!


Practice good online safety habits - Be a Good Online Citizen

Be a Good Online Citizen.
  • Safer for me more secure for all: What you do online has the potential to affect everyone – at home, at work and around the world. Practicing good online habits benefits the global digital community.
  • Post only about others as you have them post about you.
  • Help the authorities fight cyber crime: Report stolen finances or identities and other cybercrime to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (www.ic3.gov) and to your local law enforcement or state attorney general as appropriate.

Mar 13, 2014

Practice good online safety habits - Protect Your Personal Information

Protect Your Personal Information.
  • Secure your accounts: Ask for protection beyond passwords. Many account providers now offer additional ways for you verify who you are before you conduct business on that site.
  • Make passwords long and strong: Combine capital and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols to create a more secure password.
  • Unique account, unique password: Separate passwords for every account helps to thwart cybercriminals.
  • Write it down and keep it safe: Everyone can forget a password. Keep a list that’s stored in a safe, secure place away from your computer.
  • Own your online presence: When available, set the privacy and security settings on websites to your comfort level for information sharing. It’s ok to limit who you share information with.
For more tips & advice, visit www.staysafeonline.org

Feb 13, 2014

Practice good online safety habits - Keep A Clean Machine

Keep A Clean Machine
  • Keep security software current: Having the latest security software, web browser, and operating system are the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other online threats. 
  • Automate software updates: Many software programs will automatically connect and update to defend against known risks. Turn on automatic updates if that’s an available option. 
  • Protect all devices that connect to the Internet: Along with computers, smart phones, gaming systems, and other web-enabled devices also need protection from viruses and malware. 
  • Plug & scan: “USBs” and other external devices can be infected by viruses and malware. Use your security software to scan them.
For more tips go to http://www.staysafeonline.org

Self-Employed? We can help.

Self-employment is one of the fastest growing sectors of the New York City economy. Freelancers have total control over their finances and can take advantage of many tax benefits that are not available to the average American employee, but this freedom comes at a cost. You need an expert  to guide you through the record keeping and tax filing requirements that are unique to freelancing.

At Colors Consulting Group. we've provided solutions to many small business owners, freelancers and other self-employed individuals. We know what goes into running your own business and our tax and bookkeeping strategies can save you a lot of time and money.

Are you wondering if incorporation or an LLC is right for your business? We can help. Our understanding of the benefits and pitfalls of each operating structure allows you to make the right decision. And if you do decide to incorporate or form an LLC we are your one-stop-shop for NYC incorporations, partnerships and business filings.

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to learn more about what Colors Consulting Group can do for you.

Feb 11, 2014

Need Help with Your Taxes?

Have your personal or business tax returns prepared by experienced professionals at reasonable rates!!!

Services include:
  • Current and prior year federal and state tax preparation
  • Amended returns
  • Tax planning
  • Audit representation
We cater to:
  • Individuals, Corporations
  • LLCs, S Corporations, and Parterships
  • Estates & Trusts
Get your tax info together and let us work on your refund. 
We keep your personal information safe and secure.


Feb 10, 2014

Practice good online safety habits - Connect With Care

Connect With Care.
  • When in doubt, throw it out: Links in email, tweets, posts, and online advertising are often the way cybercriminals compromise your computer. If it looks suspicious, even if you know the source, it’s best to delete or if appropriate, mark as junk email.
  • Get savvy about Wi-Fi hotspots: Limit the type of business you conduct and adjust the security settings on your device to limit who can access your machine.
  • Protect your $: When banking and shopping, check to be sure the sites is security enabled. Look for web addresses with “https://” or “shttp://”, which means the site takes extra measures to help secure your information. “Http://” is not secure.

Great news! We're now offering QuickBooks Online cloud accounting software.

By helping you save time on accounting, QuickBooks Online frees you up to focus on growing your business. With all your financial information in one place, you'll have a better understanding of your business and an at-a-glance overview of your financial position.

QuickBooks Online enables you to:
Store all your financial information together in one place
Connect directly to us
Work seamlessly from anywhere, on any device
Avoid costly upgrades
Keep data safe and secure

Jan 13, 2014

Hiring a Virtual Bookkeeper is a Cost-saving Measure!

Hiring a Virtual Bookkeeper is a Cost-saving Measure!
Why Outsource?
Outsourcing allows you to grow your business and significantly reduce the cost of maintaining an accounting department.
Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping Saves You Time and Money
Managing your company’s financial books is a time consuming process and often takes precedence over other important tasks. Our goal is to take care of your financial bookkeeping so you have time to focus your energy on more important aspects of your business.

Outsourcing allows you to:
· Generate revenue and grow your business
· Significantly reduce the cost of maintaining an accounting department

You save on:
  • Salary and payroll taxes
  • Employee benefits
  • Unemployment costs
  • Cost associated with recruiting, hiring, and training
  • Paying sick and vacation time
  • Overhead costs to maintain staff(rent, supplies, equipment, furniture)
As a small business owner, you most likely work out of your home office or another other relatively small office space. You need business support, but you don't like the idea of inviting someone into the privacy of your home. Or, you just don't have the space in your office for an additional person plus their equipment.
Outsourcing Eliminates Frustration
1.  Just send us your bank /credit card statements, invoices, bills, etc., by uploading to our secure Client Portal, e-mail,  or postal mail.
2.  We enter and classify your income and expenses using QuickBooks or, we can go online to your own QuickBooks and update it. We reconcile your accounts, and inform you of any red flags or problems that we find.
3.   We create monthly financial statements, which we can upload, mail,  or email back to you.

We utilize the latest technology and the Internet to provide affordable, accurate, and professional bookkeeping and accounting services. Our service frees up your business resources and saves you time and money by rolling your accounting and bookkeeping expenses into one, low monthly payment!

For more information, contact us today!
Colors Consulting Group Inc.

Jan 9, 2014

Entrepreneurs, Investors High on the Pot Business

Despite weighty challenges, the fast-emerging legal marijuana industry invites a ‘Green Rush’ of interest.
  •  by Alissa Ponchione
  • With Colorado, Washington and other states loosening up marijuana laws, investors and entrepreneurs are rushing in to take advantage, dubbing the phenomenon the “green rush.” But amid the excitement, CFOs of pot-related businesses will have to navigate a tricky landscape of banking issues, taxes and possibly discrepancies between federal and state laws.
    Aside from licensed marijuana growers and dispensers, there is a diversity of companies in the field. For instance, High Times, a publication that covers the marijuana industry, recently started its own private-equity firm, HT Growth fund, which plans to raise $100 million over the next two years to invest in marijuana-related companies.
    750px-MarijuanaAnother example is Advanced Cannabis Solutions, a real estate company that specializes in leasing space to growers and dispensaries. It signs clients to 10-year leases in facilities it owns. Banks and landlords are reluctant to do business with such companies, not only because of what they sell but also because most of them are cash-only operations.
    The publicly traded company (CANN on the OTC Bulletin Board) issues convertible debt, which is appealing to investors because the debt eventually converts to equity and the investors get paid 12 percent interest annually over a five-year period, but they are not required to hold the debt that long. They can convert when the stock price is $5 per share and are forced to covert when the stock reaches $10; the stock currently is trading at $9 per share.
    “We’re positioned to take advantage of the next two to three years by acquiring assets at a high rate,” says Chris Taylor, the firm’s CFO. The company is also working on ancillary nutrient and technology products as well as consulting services.
    In Colorado, it became legal to buy marijuana for recreational purposes on Jan. 1, and Washington has passed constitutional amendments to accomplish the same early this year. And many more states are allowing the use of marijuana for medical purposes; New York this month became the 21st state to do so.
    The legal marijuana market in the United States was a $1.4 billion industry in 2013 and will grow to $2.3 billion this year, according to an ArcView Market Research report. Colorado reported revenue of $329 million from July 2012 through June 2013, generating $9 million in state taxes, according to the Colorado Department of Revenue.
    One major concern for companies doing business on Colorado has been that while marijuana is now legal in the state, federal laws still deem it illegal. Federal agencies can, for one thing, seize properties that are used for illegal activity. The Justice Department, though, eased the fears with an August memo saying that if a state tightly regulates the industry and marijuana businesses comply, the department will defer to the state’s rules.
    Another continuing challenge for marijuana providers derives from the tax code. Internal Revenue Service Section 280E, which refers to marijuana sales as “drug trafficking,” prohibits marijuana retailers, regardless of state law, from deducting any expenses, including rent, payroll and equipment. Some retail pot businesses are effectively subject to 80 percent tax rates and are handicapped in their efforts to reinvest in their businesses, says Aaron Smith, co-founder and executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association.
    Another problem is the industry’s newness. While interest in investing in the industry is growing, investors are “much more cautious” about entering the field compared to more established industries, says Taylor. “It takes multiple meetings and much conversation” to win an investor over.
    Taylor says he is optimistic that the Justice and Treasury departments will address some weighty banking issues in the first quarter of this year. As of now, marijuana dispensaries still have trouble obtaining small business loans from banks that are unwilling to hold money for fear of being implicated in money laundering.
    ACS works around this by collecting rent twice weekly in cash and transport it to banks via armored cars. He says it’s “not a perfect solution” but one that he hopes will change in the next few months.
    Once the banking and tax industry catch up with new state regulations, the marijuana industry’s potential will be massive, Taylor adds. For example, an operator can expect a 40 percent profit margin if an operator can sell 70 to 75 percent of what it grows. “It’s much more profitable than the restaurant business,” he says. CFO.com